Hello! My name is Vanessa Klein and I am nineteen years old. I am half Puerto Rican and half Italian. I am currently a sophomore and Criminal Justice major at St. Francis College. I love painting and spending time with my family and friends. I have lived in Brooklyn all my life with my parents, sister, and a little puppy named Porter. I have only gone to Catholic school all my life and I went to an all-girls high school that is unfortunately closed down. Since that has happened it changed my life and it has impacted my decisions I make today. I really enjoy traveling and one of my favorite places I have been to is Aruba in the Caribbean. I love taking little road trips with my family to Atlantic City and Cape May in New Jersey. This is the first time I am creating a blog and I am so excited. My blog is going to be fun and exciting in different ways to learn a lot of new things. I want my blog to be original and to look like no other so when you (the reader) logs on to my blog I want you to feel like you're only talking with me. I want to add a unique touch to make it easy to use for all ages. The pronouns I prefer are she/her.
This is a post about my old high school https://nypost.com/2019/05/14/bishop-kearney-high-school-in-brooklyn-is-closing-this-summer/
Here is a photo of me last year in Cape May 2020!
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